Zika vaccine pharma companies now pushing to have PREGNANT women injected with the experimental vaccine

Monday, July 17, 2017 by

With the summer fully underway, mosquitoes are more active. Hence, stories about a Zika pandemic popping up again. Just like Dengue and Malaria, the Zika virus is a mosquito-borne illness. Spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which is typically found close to standing water, the Zika virus causes mild flu-like symptoms including headaches, nausea, conjunctivitis, exhaustion, aches, and pains.

Though an infection usually goes unnoticed in healthy adults, pregnant women can pass on the infection to their unborn babies. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Zika infections can potentially cause a whole host of birth defects including microcephaly, congenital Zika syndrome, and damage to the brain and eyes. Infections usually occur in Central and South America, Africa, Asia, Texas, and Florida.

Given the threat to pregnant women and their unborn child, a group of vaccine-pushing researchers now wants to include pregnant women in their trials to test an experimental Zika vaccine. According to new guidelines published by the University of North Carolina’s (UNC) Center for Bioethics and two other universities, the inclusion of pregnant women in Zika vaccine trials is crucial.

Is it ethical to include pregnant women in vaccine trials?

In 2016, UNC’s Center for Bioethics, the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics and Georgetown University’s Kennedy Institute for Ethics were awarded a $1.55 million grant from the Welcome Trust to determine and develop ethical guidelines regarding the inclusion of pregnant women in clinical trials.

“People tend to think first about the ethical problems of including pregnant women in research,” said Anne Lyerly, MD, MA, professor of social medicine and associate director of the UNC Center for Bioethics. “In this case, the gravest ethical problem would be if we failed to include them, since it is pregnant women — and their babies — who will face the most serious consequences of infection.”

According to the 15-person working group of experts advised by 60 other leading experts in vaccine science and immunology, the team concluded that there are no ethical reasons to deny the Zika vaccine to pregnant women. They even noted that for too long the needs of pregnant women and their offspring have been neglected, adding that including pregnant women in research studies is not just necessary, but very possible.

“We argue that in order to ethically respond to global Zika virus crisis, clinical research that includes pregnant women is critical,” Lyerly noted. “Such research will help to ensure that they have access to safe, effective and evidence-based ways to protect themselves and the children they will bear from Zika. It is a priority for public health and a matter of justice,” she added.

These new guidelines give the vaccine industry, policy makers, researchers, oversight bodies, regulatory authorities, and the global public health community concrete tools to lawfully inject thousands of women with toxic substances.

Vaccines are not the answer and may just cause the one thing they promise to prevent: BRAIN DAMAGE. Protect your unborn child and stay away from vaccines and wear protective clothing or use organic bug spray to keep nasty bugs at bay.

What are these people thinking — Zika isn’t the biggest threat

Pregnant women are the most vulnerable as they are carrying an extra life. Giving a green light to the vaccine industry and research bodies to start using pregnant women in their trials is just criminal. It not only endangers the mother’s life but also that of the unborn child. Vaccines and pregnancy do not mix.

In case you have only heard the Zika stories spread by the fear-mongering mainstream media, then you have only been told half the Zika truth. The Zika spread is likely been caused by the release of lab-bred genetically modified mosquitoes.

Though Zika and nature are being blamed for the rising number of birth defects in Brazil, this is just a cover. Just after the Brazilian Minister of Health mandated that all expectant mothers should receive the Tdap vaccine at 20 weeks gestation, birth defects in Brazil spiked. Is it the virus or is there something else at play?

Think of it, a vulnerable, developing brain is exposed to aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, antibiotics and a host of other chemicals that early in its developing stages. Are governments and the biotech and vaccine industry using Zika to halt human reproduction and sell more pesticides and vaccines? Read the full story here.

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