A new FDA-approved Hepatitis B vaccine has been found to increase the risk of heart attacks by 700%, yet Facebook, …
With the summer fully underway, mosquitoes are more active. Hence, stories about a Zika pandemic popping up again. Just like …
In the past chickenpox was no big deal. Kids were put in oatmeal baths to avoid scratching and scarring. Although …
Every year, doctors, employers, schools, and health authorities recommend that children and adults get a flu shot. However, the influenza …
If a doctor approached you with a needle containing a genetically-modified (GM) virus that he said would permanently lower your …
All healthy persons six months of age and older should get a routine flu shot, according to the Advisory Committee …
Commercials for the jab showing happy people free of shingles are a common feature of television advertising. But Merck & …
Every individual or organization that tells you chicken pox vaccines are not made with human fetal tissue cell lines is …
Paul Offit says you can safely administer 10,000 vaccines to infants at once. But he also profits from the patent he …
We love Breitbart News and its reporting, but one recent article by Breitbart made a shocking departure from its regularly …