The corrupt vaccine industry has the means and motive to stage a massive false flag “outbreak” to demand nationwide vaccine mandates

Sunday, April 02, 2017 by

The vaccine industry is unique in the fact that the more its products fail, the greater the demand for its faulty products. Simply stated, when vaccines are accidentally distributed with live viruses instead of attenuated (weakened) viruses, they cause the very outbreaks of disease they claim to prevent.

Once the outbreak happens, the pharma-funded mainstream media catapults disease hysteria into mass consciousness while calling for everyone to take more vaccines to “prevent the outbreak.” Those who weren’t vaccinated are always blamed for every outbreak, even when the outbreaks occur largely among children who have already been vaccinated.

OOPS… another live virus accidentally manufactured into vaccines

We already know that vaccine manufacturers sometimes ship LIVE viruses to production facilities, causing live viruses to be used in vaccines that subsequently infect vaccine recipients with the very disease they claim to prevent. We also know that vaccine manufacturers enjoy a unique legal protection from all lawsuits due to an act of Congress. As a result, faulty vaccines that accidentally (or intentionally) contain live viruses that spread disease outbreaks pose zero risk of liability to the vaccine manufacturers.

In summary, vaccine manufacturers experience enormous benefits from “accidental” outbreaks of disease caused by faulty vaccine manufacturing while having zero exposure to liability for such “mistakes.” As a result, vaccine manufacturers have every incentive to use vaccines as a vector to introduce infectious disease outbreaks into the population, after which they enjoy enormous profits and government funding grants thanks to all the “fake news” media hysteria that claims vaccines are the only solution to the very problem that was caused by vaccines in the first place.

Virologists working for Merck even filed a False Claims Act with the federal government, describing how they were forced to falsify vaccine clinical trial results to trick the FDA into approving vaccines that they said would contribute to the spread of infectious disease.

It’s the perfect racket: Create a product that spreads disease while convincing the entire world that your product is the only solution to stopping the spread of disease. Every outbreak earns you more money and prestige while the government grants you absolute legal protection from all lawsuits, meaning you can place literally anything into a vaccine — live viruses, heavy metals, radioactive isotopes, etc. — and face no financial or legal repercussions whatsoever. (RELATED: Follow the latest breaking news on vaccines at

Vaccine companies have the means, the motive and the lack of ethics to wage false flag attacks against children

In this podcast, I explain how and why vaccine companies have the means, the motive and the lack of medical ethics to pull off “vaccine false flag” attacks that target children with live infectious agents (essentially biological weapons).

Even more, I predict that because the vaccine industry is losing the public relations war due to accelerating efforts of public education — such as The Truth About Vaccines documentary series that’s about to go public — the vaccine industry is unquestionably plotting to carry out a vaccine false flag “outbreak” and then blame the so-called “anti-vaxxers” for the medical mayhem that follows. This outbreak, in turn, will be used to demand nationwide vaccine mandates that criminalize “anti-vaxxers” and seek to place the government is a position of absolute control over your body.

Hear the full podcast at the Health Ranger Report podcast site, or listen below:

Learn more about the tyranny of vaccine “science” at






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