350 medical groups are lobbying Trump to accept toxic vaccines as “safe” … even when they contain mercury

Tuesday, February 21, 2017 by

Vaccines Poison

During the presidential campaign, then-GOP candidate Donald J. Trump was the first one to bring up the safety and efficacy of vaccines. For that, he was pilloried – by the press, by other politicians and, of course, by Big Pharma.

During one of the early Republican debates, Trump was asked his thoughts about vaccines. He said he favored them while adding this caveat: “I want smaller doses over a longer period of time.” He went on to link some vaccines with a rise in autism rates, as some scientific studies have shown. (RELATED: Health Ranger issues “drink mercury” challenge to toxic vaccine pushers who poison infants for profit)

Trump wasn’t alone in his skepticism. Two other GOP contenders, both physicians – Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky and Dr. Ben Carson, who is now set to become Trump’s Housing and Urban Development secretary – agreed that vaccines ought to be given over a longer period.

His eventual 2016 opponent, Hillary Clinton, tried to score political points from his statement, hypocritical as ever.

“The science is clear: The earth is round, the sky is blue, and #vaccineswork. Let’s protect all our kids. #GrandmothersKnowBest,” Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton – who was completely in the pocket of Big Pharma – tweeted in 2015. Never mind that in 2008, when she was running for the Democratic Party presidential nomination, which she lost to then-Sen. Barack Obama, she wrote in a questionnaire regarding whether vaccines ought to be investigated as a potential link to autism that she was “committed to make investments to find the causes of autism, including possible environmental causes like vaccines.”

Trump’s skepticism towards vaccines and their possible role in the development of autism in young children is nothing new. He tweeted in October 2012:

Lots of autism and vaccine response. Stop these massive doses immediately. Go back to single, spread out shots! What do we have to lose.

And again in March 2014:

If I were President I would push for proper vaccinations but would not allow one time massive shots that a small child cannot take – AUTISM.

Now, 350 medical organizations are attempting to fill Clinton’s void by persuading the president to accept that, no matter what is actually in them, all vaccines are safe and should be recommended by his government. (RELATED: Study Confirms That All Vaccines Are Toxic)

As reported by FiercePharma, these groups have become worried about Trump’s stance on vaccines, fears which were no doubt exacerbated after Trump reportedly asked Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a noted critic of vaccines, to head a new commission to expose the dangers of thimerosol, a mercury-laced vaccine preservative.

“Vaccines protect the health of children and adults and save lives,” the groups said in a Feb. 7 letter to the president. “Vaccines have been part of the fabric of our society for decades and are one of the most significant medical innovations of our time.”

The letter pointed to the measles outbreak at Disneyland in 2014 and a record number of pertussis cases – 48,277 in 2012 – to make a point that vaccination is still very important and necessary. Though, as Natural News reported, even some vaccinated children got measles).

But is this effort for naught? Is it much ado about nothing? After all, Trump has never said he’s against vaccines. And he’s never advocated for a vaccine-free existence. What he wants – as well as RFK, Jr., and his latest partner in this effort, Oscar-winning actor Robert De Niro, who has an autistic son likely due to vaccines – is merely to discover the truth about whether some vaccines boost the risk of children developing autism at a time when autism rates are rising dramatically.

Why is that so threatening to Big Pharma and the vaccine industry? Why wouldn’t anyone want to know for sure if there is a connection? Are we that conditioned to believe government and corporations financially vested in perpetuating the vaccine status quo that we don’t even want to question the known anomalies or believe the whistleblowers?

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.









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