No study exists to show that vaccine ingredient Thimerosal is safe

Monday, February 20, 2017 by

You probably caught the big news last week that President Trump’s new commissioner on vaccine safety, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has issued a formal challenge: if anyone can find even a single credible study out there showing that the mercury derivative Thimerosal, which is added to influenza and other vaccines, is safe, then he or she will receive $100,000 in cash. Well, a good chunk of time has passed since this offer was issued and, sure enough, nobody has claimed the prize because no such study exists.

It’s something we’ve been saying here at Natural News for a long time about the chemicals that millions of people are injecting into their children. It’s also the subject matter of the critically-acclaimed documentary film Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, which the Tribeca Film Festival pulled from its lineup at the behest of the militant vaccine mafia. But all this censorship and bullying hasn’t stopped the truth about the dangers of vaccine ingredients like Thimerosal from spreading. (RELATED: See how current law prevents parents from suing vaccine manufacturers for injury at

In a recent joint letter issued by Kennedy and De Niro to American journalists, the duo reiterates the World Mercury Project’s $100,000 challenge, urging journalists, reporters, columnists, editors, network anchors, on-air doctors, news division producers, and anyone else out there with sway and influence to take them up on the offer. By simply doing the type of digging that journalists used to do before they became co-opted by special interest corruption, today’s journalists have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to bank some serious cash, should they be so willing and brave.

“Despite the cascade of recent science confirming that thimerosal is a potent neurotoxin that damages children’s brains, the American media has fiercely defended the orthodoxy that mercury-based vaccines are safe,” Kennedy and De Niro write in their open letter. “We believe that even a meager effort at homework will expose that contention as unsupported by science.”

If nobody claims $100,000 prize, this will prove that mercury in vaccines is NOT safe

Much of the problem lies in the fact that today’s faux journalists are told what to do by their higher-ups in a way that keeps critical information like vaccine safety out of the limelight. The public tends to believe what these faux journalists say — or in this case, don’t say — because, surely someone would get the scoop if given the opportunity, right? Unfortunately, this isn’t the case, and there is far more censorship going on than many people would choose to believe.

That’s what makes this Thimerosal challenge so important: it forces the hand of the powers that be to either put up or shut up. If there’s evidence out there that mercury derivatives are safe in childhood vaccines, then somebody is going to present it to jump on that $100,000. If this evidence doesn’t exist and nobody claims the cash, then it will be apparent to everyone that agencies like the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have been lying to the public as whistleblowers like Dr. William Thompson have been claiming.

“Journalists, we have discovered — even science and health journalists — don’t always read the science!” the joint letter adds. “On the vaccine issues, many of them have let government and industry officials tell them what the science supposedly says. Instead of questioning, digging and investigating, journalists, too often, have taken the easy course of repeating the safety assurances of the pharmaceutical industry and the regulators at CDC’s Immunization Safety Office, which they have good reason to doubt.”



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