Dozens of popular vaccines found to be contaminated with unexplained particles containing toxic heavy metals

Wednesday, February 15, 2017 by

The HPV vaccines Gardasil and Ceravix have been heavily scrutinized for their deleterious effects on young women around the globe — and the suggested age for receiving these vaccinations just keeps getting younger.

Last year, in the beginning of 2016, the America College of Pediatricians (ACP) released a statement that detailed a host of concerns over the HPV vaccines known as Gardasil and Ceravix, noting that these immunizations did not appear to be as safe as their creators purport them to be.

Now, new research has found that these two heavily promoted vaccines are contaminated with a number of inorganic compounds, including lead. 

The study, which was led by independent researchers from the National Council of Research of Italy and the International Clean Water Institute, USA have found that a number of common vaccines are contaminated with a number of different types of particulate. In fact, all of the vaccines tested contained unlisted particulate, the presence of which the researchers described as “baffling” and “inexplicable.”

Contaminants found in HPV vaccines

Ceravix and Gardasil were among the 44 vaccine samples used for the team’s research. To conduct their analysis, the scientists used what is known as a Field Emission Gun Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope equipped with an X-ray microprobe to detect any inorganic particulate contaminants and analyze their chemical composition.

The team was able to verify the presence of micro- and nano-sized inorganic compound particles that were not listed on the products’ ingredient lists by their manufacturers.

Beyond the inherent toxic potential of aluminum — which the researchers note is a worrisome ingredient often included by the vaccine makers — several other concerning compounds were found in a number of vaccines.

Both Gardasil and Ceravix featured various forms of aluminum and lead — both known to be disruptive to cognitive function and development, especially in children.

The researchers also explained that these particles found in the vaccines are often embedded in biological substrates, like proteins or endotoxins. But, when these particles come into contact with proteic fluids, a “nano-bio-reaction” occurs, resulting in a much larger compound that is not biodegradable — rendering it capable of immense adverse effects, since it is not recognized by the body and cannot be broken down.

And, as the researchers explained, the presence of multiple contaminants or potentially damaging ingredients is especially concerning, given that it is well-known that contaminants tend to exert mutual, synergistic effects — effectively increasing the amount of harm either substance could create alone. Lead and aluminum are both known to be extremely hazardous to the human brain independently — what do you think happens when they’re combined?

When discussing their findings as a whole, the researchers stated that the contamination of vaccines they saw was “inexplicable,” and also noted that the combinations of compounds they saw were “very odd” as they had no “technical use.” They went on to state, “In any case, whatever their origin, they should not be present in any injectable medicament, let alone in vaccines, more in particular those meant for infants.” They expressed similar concerns for those vaccines that are given to children.

Toxic metals and vaccine damage: are they connected?

Research has consistently indicated that small-sized particulate can be very damaging to the human brain, and this recent research is no different. The scientists posit that depending on where the compounds deposit first, different adverse events may be seen. When particulate is first deposited in the brain, more rapid-onset and acute effects are present, while more slow-to-develop effects are seen when other areas of the body are affected.

The researchers say that the particles they observed in the vaccine were of such small size that it is completely possible for them to actually enter individual cell nuclei and interact with DNA. “As happens with all foreign bodies, particularly that small, they induce an inflammatory reaction that is chronic because most of those particles cannot be degraded.”

Previous research has indicated that even low levels of lead can yield toxic effects — even the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry claims that there may be no safe amount of lead for developing children. Aluminum is also known to be toxic to the brain.

HPV vaccines like Gardasil have been associated with causing a number of ill effects — most notably, an array of damaging auto-immune diseases and even loss of fertility. When considering what has been found inside of these vaccines, the amount of damage they can cause is sadly no surprise. Worse still, these hazardous metals aren’t even listed as known ingredients so many doctors continue to push these injections on unsuspecting patients, without a clue as to how toxic they really are.



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