10-month-old suddenly suffers 14 seizures a day after receiving new meningitis vaccine, viral video spreads awareness

Monday, January 09, 2017 by

A UK couple is furious after their infant son began to suffer as many as 14 violent seizures per day following a meningitis vaccine, and are sharing the shocking video footage online.

As reported by the UK’s Daily Mail, Luke Maguire, 25, and Louise McKever, 22, said they’ve taken their son, Bobby, to the hospital more than 55 times since he received all of his vaccines this past summer.

It’s yet another sad example of vaccine injury that the ‘mainstream’ media and Big Pharma will try to sweep under the rug.

The Daily Mail noted that the Bexsero Meningitis B vaccine has been administered to all babies in the UK since September 2015, and seizures are known to be a side effect. But the first-time parents say the vaccine has left their son suffering from other problems as well, including night terrors, allergies and stomach issues.

Mom and dad are not buying the government’s denial

Since they posted a clip of their son having one of his many seizures onto social media, it has been viewed more than 1.8 million times and shared nearly 28,000 times, the Daily Mail reported.

Little Bobby is now undergoing several tests, perhaps to rule out a complex genetic epilepsy disorder. But one expert in the condition who has seen the video footage says it is not likely that the seizures are related to the vaccine.

That, of course, is coming from the UK government.

The government’s regulatory agency also said there was “insufficient evidence” to link the meningitis B vaccine to the fits.

But the parents aren’t buy it.

“This vaccination shouldn’t be given to young babies—it is ruining their lives before they even start,” said Maguire, whose only child is Bobby. “The doctors need to do something. Parents should be told the risks and allowed to make up their own minds. They have the right to know, this is about their children.”

He went on to say that from the moment his son began having his seizures, he knew that it was caused by the vaccines. “He was such a happy baby and it has ruined his life,” he added.

Maguire said his son began experiencing his seizures on the very day he received his eight-week vaccinations, when his temperature spiked suddenly and “he went floppy and unresponsive.”

He says he has made a personal commitment to ensure that no other parents will have to suffer like he and his partner, and that no other children have to suffer like Bobby.

Maguire said he understood that most people would not speak out publicly out of fear of being labeled crazy or ‘anti-vaccine,’ but he said he could not stay silent because he wanted to be a voice on behalf of parents. If a child died and he had chosen to remain silent, he said, “I couldn’t live with myself.”

“We are only basing our actions on what we see has happened to our son—not what anyone else says, but how Bobby has changed,” noted Maguire.

This vaccine is only about 73 percent effective

His son received his first does of Bexsero Meningitis B vaccine at eight weeks, then a follow-up dose at 16 weeks.  The couple said they immediately became concerned about their son right after the 16-week injection.

They were forced to call for emergency medical service after waking up and discovering that Bobby was gasping for air, turning blue and experiencing full-body twitches. His seizures began about 10 days later, the couple said, and he experiences an average of four-to-seven of them per day.

Seizures can cut off oxygen to the brain, causing damage and long-term disability.

At present, the couple said, their son is on another medication that is controlling his seizures, so he has not had one for weeks. But they say all of the testing done thus far to determine why he might be having them—CT scan, MRI, EEG—have all come back negative.

And there is this: The Daily Mail reported that the vaccine for meningitis is only about 73 percent effective.

What’s more, patient information that accompanies the Bexsero vaccine says uncommon side effects for infants and small children can include high fevers, seizures from high fevers, skin rashes and vomiting.

One expert who saw the video of one of Bobby’s seizures said he may be experiencing a tonic-clonic seizure, which could be the result of a rare genetic disorder known as Dravet syndrome, or an early-age brain disorder.

The “official” reaction—both from the government and from the vaccine maker—is one of denial. This couldn’t be the fault of a vaccine that a) the manufacturer says is okay; and b) the government has mandated. Of course not.

But the parents aren’t fooled, here. They know exactly what is causing their son’s seizures. And it’s got to be frustrating to them that nobody is listening to them or believes them.





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