New CA bill could increase medical kidnapping of children by government whose parents refuse vaccinations

Wednesday, January 04, 2017 by

Last year, California passed a mandatory vaccination bill that removed religious and philosophical exemptions for vaccines, making the state one of the leading proponents of medical tyranny in the U.S.

Now, Dr. Richard Pan – the same California senator who sponsored last year’s SB 277 campaign –  is back with a new proposed piece of legislation that would grant the state sweeping powers over children’s lives – all in the name of their health and well-being, and regardless of their parents’ wishes.

Dr Pan’s proposed bill SB 18 is based on an earlier Assembly Concurrent Resolution (ACR 80), which was originally drafted as a “Bill of Rights for the Children and Youth of California that resolves to invest in all children and youth in order to achieve specified goals to create an optimal environment for their healthy development.”

The original ACR 80 was a vaguely-worded document that – with the passage of the new bill – would then allow the state to “expand” and “codify” its terms. In other words, the state would be authorized to make new rules and regulations regarding children’s health and welfare based on the opinions of medical bureaucracy “experts.”

Increased control over children’s lives justified as “protection of their rights”

If passed, SB 18 could lead to an increase in medical kidnappings and Child Protective Services (CPS) interventions, occurrences of which are already reaching epidemic proportions in California and elsewhere.

The proposed bill states that all children should have:

(1) The right to parents, guardians, or caregivers who act in their best interest.

(2) The right to form healthy attachments with adults responsible for their care and well-being.

(3) The right to live in a safe and healthy environment.

(4) The right to social and emotional well-being.

(5) The right to opportunities to attain optimal cognitive, physical, and social development.

(6) The right to appropriate, quality education and life skills leading to self-sufficiency in adulthood.

(7) The right to appropriate, quality health care.

While all these might sound like obvious self-evident rights, the question is why create additional legislation to protect rights already essentially granted under federal law?

The answer appears to be that California wants even more control over children’s lives than it already has. Under the new law, if passed, state authorities would be able to more easily remove children from their homes if their parents happen to oppose vaccinations, for example.

Children could be more easily kidnapped by CPS if their parents smoke marijuana (legally or not) or if they decide to homeschool their children.

California CPS “among the most corrupt and dangerous in the nation”

Many have accused CPS of corruption and of kidnapping children for the sole purpose of continuing to receive the federal funding allocated for each child removed from their family’s home and placed into foster care.

According to Health Impact News, California’s Department of Children and Family Services  (DCFS) is “among the most corrupt and dangerous in the nation”:

“It’s estimated only around five percent of children taken are from actual cases of parental abuse. Often poverty is considered neglect, while false abuse reports are considered valid even while based on hearsay or speculation without proof.”

Local judicial officials are often as corrupt as the CPS authorities themselves, says Health Impact News, and typically rule in favor of the agency – many biological parents find it nearly impossible to get their children back once CPS has taken them.

California seems to be part of a nationwide trend towards greater state authority over children’s lives. Your kids are no longer considered yours – they have become the property of the state – and if you choose to raise them in a manner that the state disapproves of, they will take them from you.

If you live in California, be sure to voice your opposition against SB 18. If you reside elsewhere, be sure to keep an eye out for similar legislative initiatives and become involved in the fight to protect your rights and those of your children.



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