Thursday, January 25, 2018 by Mike Adams
You’ve probably already heard about the mass murder “suicide mission” death threat leveled against Dr. Suzanne Humphries by a vaccine troll / propagandist. If you’re not up to speed on the outlandish, graphic nature of the death threat that resembles the aggressive, demented rants of pro-vaccine propagandists, read this Natural News story for full details. (“I’m gonna kill every single one of you f##kers… see you in Hell.”)
Now, in an exclusive in-studio interview, Dr. Suzanne Humphries joins the Health Ranger for a revealing one-hour conversation about death threats, vaccine science, CDC science fraud and personal courage.
There are several bombshell revelations in this thoughtful interview. If you have the time, give it a full listen. (The audio version will also be released as a podcast soon at HealthRangerReport.com.)
Here’s the YouTube version:
And here’s the Vimeo version:
Tagged Under: Tags: alternative medicine, autism, badhealth, badmedicine, badscience, CDC, death threats, holistic health, mass murder, mass shooting, medical terrorism, medical violence, psychopath, public safety, suicide mission, Suzanne Humphries, terrorism, Thimerosal, Torture, vaccine industry, vaccine research, vaccine science, vaccine truth, vaccine violence, vaccines, Vaxxed, violence