BOMBSHELL: Flu vaccines don’t work in the elderly, new science shows … U.S. media total blackout

Tuesday, September 19, 2017 by

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the same authority that determines the national vaccination schedule, notes that those most at risk of complications from the flu virus are children younger than 5, but particularly those under the age of 2; pregnant women; people in nursing homes; and adults over the age of 65. The elderly are therefore among the most vulnerable members of society when it comes to influenza. It makes sense, therefore, to believe that the flu vaccination would need to be especially effective for that demographic.

A recent report by Public Health England (PHE), however, has revealed that though it seems to have been slightly more effective at preventing influenza among children than in previous years, last year’s flu shot was totally ineffective for the elderly.

Experts believe that the shot was ineffective because it did not protect against the most common circulating strain – the H3 strain. This is because the flu shot is essentially a game of chance each year; experts have to try to predict in advance which three strains of the virus will be in circulation in the coming winter. Even in a good year, their strike rate is only 50 percent.

Of course, instead of admitting the uselessness of the vaccine, health professionals are blaming the elderly themselves.

A representative of PHE told BBC News, “As people age, their immune systems are often weaker and therefore their bodies may not respond as well to a vaccine as younger people’s bodies.”

The U.K.’s Daily Mail reports that instead of admitting defeat and encouraging seniors to pursue proven, natural flu prevention strategies (more on that later), health officials continue to punt the flu shot:

Despite the vaccine’s lack of success in the elderly, experts still recommend older people continue to have the injection.

In other words: It’s useless and we know it, but you need to have it anyway. (Related: Keep up-to-date with the real developments in the medical community at

Even worse, medical “experts” have decided to double down on the insanity by introducing “high-dose jabs that work to boost the body’s immune response to receiving the vaccine.”

In other words: It’s useless and we know it, but don’t worry because we’re going to make it twice as effective (doubly useless), so you need to be sure to obediently keep getting it each year. (Related: Flu vaccine paradox spreading globally as more vaccinated people catch the flu.)

For those who are reading this with increasing alarm, there is good news: There are at least four easy, natural and effective ways to work with your body to build up your immune system and prevent the flu.

  • Sunshine: Experts have recognized that vitamin D3, a hormone which your body manufactures when it is exposed to direct sunlight, kickstarts your immune system. If you are not able to get enough direct sun exposure, get a blood test to check your levels, and supplement if necessary.
  • Astragalus: This herb, a staple of ancient Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine, is an adaptogenic, which means it regulates your immune system up or down, as needed. Start taking this supplement well ahead of flu season to achieve maximum results.
  • Echinacea and golden seal: Both of these herbs are powerful immune boosters, proven to prevent the flu and other viruses. Ask your natural health practitioner to prescribe the perfect dose so that you can be ready for winter.
  • Lifestyle and dietary changes: If you aren’t already doing so, start including fresh, raw, organic garlic in your daily diet. Hydrating with pure, filtered water is also vitally important. Sufficient sleep and daily exercise are also essential to building the immune system, as is reducing stress as much as possible. Of course, it goes without saying that those who are serious about optimizing their immunity should avoid GMOs and increase their intake of fresh, organic fruits and veggies.

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